Monday, September 27, 2010

Inner dome work continues

This evening I continued work on the inner dome.

First I had to assemble the JAG hinges I would need a bit later on.  

My assistant then stole my chair as I prepared to work on the inner dome...

While Mokey took over my chair, I had all kinds of slag to file from the cuts I made yesterday.

Being in a curved surface, I decided to go with the Dremel flap sander bit I have.  Make sure you have eye protection, breathing protection and long sleeves when you do this.  Using the 120 grit flap wheel, I was able to make quick work of all the rough edges.

I placed the outer dome on the inner to see how the panels looked.  It wouldn't fit just right since I still have some more filing to do.  However, with the outer dome on, I can see just how much filing I need to do to "square up" some of the cutouts.

That's it for tonight.  More work tomorrow!